5,000 BYD Qin L sedans delivered in 3 days


The recent three-day sale of one of the Qin L sedan model from BYD, a key Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer, showed that the company had registered impressive sales. Some key points:

- One could analyze the situation by looking at the sales campaign BYD had where, for three consecutive days, customers thronged the BYD showrooms and the sales rooms were full.

- In this special three days sales campaign, BYD managed to see 5,000 of their Qin L electric sedan model sold. That is a very large number showing people are demanding it based on recent sales data.

- There are many BYD EV models available in the market including the Qin L, which has gained significant popularity. This is because the e Series is currently one of BYD’s electric sedans that appears to be popular among Chinese consumers in contrast to other models.

- The fact that JAC Motors sold 5,000 EVs in a record 3-day period signals that there is a growing demand for electric vehicles in China. It also indicates an increased production and sales output that is characteristic of BYD.

In this regard, this major sales push and rapid delivery of 5,000 Qin L sedans appear to evidence the demand for BYD’s products in general, as well as the growing market for EVs in China. It’s some magical figure for BYD over a period of 3 days only.

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